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Modeling Fracture in ADINA In the assessment of possible crack growth in structures such as power plants, heavy machinery and airplanes, the computation of stress intensity factors along 3D cracks using linear elastic fracture mechanics is extremely important. Traditionally, the J-integral and stress intensity factors are calculated using a virtual shift technique based on nodal point virtual shifts, in which a mapped mesh is required around the crack front. However, for complicated c


  Advanced Material Models in ADINA Introduction The use of advanced polymers in demanding engineering applications requires correspondingly advanced material models and reliable finite element solvers. In particular, viscoelastic (time-dependent) effects can become important when polymeric components are placed into service. For example, materials such as ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene are being used in biomedical applications. Another example is polytetrafluo

ADINA 9.5.1版本发布

9.5.1版本发布 和9.4.4版本相比,新版有如下更新: 新版版增加了新的命令以及关联的参数以及特性更新,具体更新请见pdf文档。 https://contact.adina.com/relnotes_95.pdf


    Elasto-Plastic Large Strain Collapse Analysis of Pipes The collapse analysis of pipes is important in a number of industries, and notably in the offshore oil and gas industry. Such simulations are, in general, difficult because the kinematic large displacement/large strain behavior of the pipe and the large strain elasto-plastic material behavior need to be modeled accurately. The analysis must yield reliably accurate results because many important engineering decis


  Meshing Tools in ADINA ADINA offers powerful meshing tools to help users generate high-quality meshes of various element types. In this Tech Brief, we give a brief educational overview of the advancing front and Delaunay triangulation methods used for generating free-form meshes. We also demonstrate ADINA’s newly enhanced boundary layer meshing. A more comprehensive description of all the meshing tools offered in ADINA is given in the new ADINA Handbook, which can be


      2014年03月04日,中国专业计算与仿真技术咨询公司——中仿科技公司宣布,与美国ADINA 软件公司正式达成战略合作伙伴关系,成为其在中国区的战略伙伴,负责CAE仿真软件ADINA 在中国区的业务。通过与ADINA公司的紧密合作,将更加有助于中仿科技为国内土木建筑、交通运输、石油化工、机械制造、航空航天、汽车、国防军工、船舶、以及科学研究等各个领域的用户提供仿真计算服务。           ADINA的蕞早版本出现于1975,在K. J. Bathe博士的带领下,由其研究小组共同开发出ADINA有限元分析软件。为动力非线性有限元分析,这表达了软件开发者的基本目标,即ADINA除了求解线性问题外,还要具备分析非线性问题的强大功能,包括求解结构以及涉及结构场之外的多场耦合问题。增量法是数值求解非线性物理问题本质的方法,对非线性物理问题,计算解逼近真实解的过程是通过控制增量

ADINA 9.4.4版本发布

9.4.4版本发布 和9.3.4版本相比,新版有如下更新: 新版版增加了新的命令以及关联的参数以及特性更新,具体更新请见pdf文档。 http://adina.com/relnotes_94.pdf

ADINA 9.3.4版本发布

9.3.4版本发布 和9.2.5版本相比,新版有如下更新: 新版版增加了新的命令以及关联的参数以及特性更新,具体更新请见pdf文档。 http://adina.com/relnotes_93.pdf


    2014年7月,中国CAE领域创新型公司和行业领跑者,中仿科技一行远赴位于美国波士顿的ADINA公司,与国际著名有限元大师、ADINA软件公司创始人K. J. Bathe博士进行了亲切的会晤,这是双方在今年3月份签署深度战略合作协议以来的第二次会面。中仿科技与K. J. Bathe博士就ADINA先进的求解技术和中国的市场推广展开了深入的探讨,依托中仿科技的仿真资源优势,ADINA公司将在中国建立本土化的中仿技术培训中心,真正的将ADINA先进的技术根植于中国。     一直以来,ADINA被业内人士认为是非线性有限元发展方向的先导。ADINA软件在计算理论和求解问题的广泛性方面处于全球先进的地位,尤其针对结构非线性、流/固耦合等复杂问题的求解具有强大优势。中仿科技作为中国CAE行业的领导者,在有限元仿真、多物理耦合数值计算领域积累了数十年的经验。双方的此次会面,就ADINA软件在中国的发展达成了多项共识,中仿科技与ADINA公司将充分发挥各自独特的技术和资源优势,全面开启ADINA市场推广计划

ADINA 9.2.4版本发布

9.2.4版本发布 和9.1.3版本相比,新版有如下更新: 新版版增加了新的命令以及关联的参数以及特性更新,具体更新请见pdf文档。 http://adina.com/relnotes_92.pdf